Monday, 3 March 2014

New Media.

New media 

As the media becomes more popular in our world, businesses decide to promote on new media. They could be promoting on:
1)    Social media networks
2)    Email newsletters
3)    Online video
4)    Online forums
5)    Content aggregators

Advantages ·      

Majority of people use media these days, for instance social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or just a normal T’V that people watch daily. Which means the promotion will be easy to notice, meaning the customers will likely to purchase the product or service that the business is promoting.
There could be word of mouth advertising, as when you promote something online, the customers could then send the promotion to their friends eg, facebook or twitter, which is completely free for the business, meaning less costs and more income.

·      This type of promotion might be costly for the business, as advertising on the media would normally cost from $200 to $1,500 to create a 30-second commercial. If the promotion doesn’t work out for the business, they could then probably face a loss. 

·      Sometimes customers might think that the product that the business is promoting is too expensive, as usually the businesses that decide to promote online, on TVor on the radio are quite wealthy. Therefore customers might think that the product or service is too expensive which they cannot afford.

What factors are considered when planning this type of promotion. 

·      How much would it cost for the business to promote.
·      How long should their promotion be.
·      Where exactly should they promote, eg radio, T’V, social network
·      Who are they planning to target (target audience)

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