Sunday, 9 December 2012

Out-of-home Media

Out-of-home Media

Out-of-home media products include examples of advertising media that are seen by the audience when they are outside of their home. There are many examples of out-of-home media methods, for example- Banners, For sale signs on housing, Hot air balloons, Advertising signs around the pitch or stadium at sports events, Posters in shopping malls, town centres and railway stations and Billboards, the giant sites that can be seen where driving along the roads. There are many different methods, basically any way that a potential customer can see the advertisement of a product or service from outside the home.

Why use outdoor media products?

Using outdoor media products is a good method of advertisement because it means that they can showcase the product or service of a business to a large number of potential customers at once. Outdoor media can have a high impact because the use of billboards and large posters because the scale of the billboards and posters provide a power message on the advertisement and deliver an important message.

Outdoor advertising are perfect for promoting in a tightly defined geographic area, the versatility of the posters means that planning coverage can be flexible and tailored to precisely the coverage required by the advertisement which is why it can be geographically focused.

Possible problems with out-of-home media

There are possible draw backs when using out-of-home media, for example damage, the weather can have huge impact on getting a message across, for example in the UK it rains a lot which can cause the poster to blister or become unstuck which means it will start falling apart meaning passers by will not be able to read the advertisement and it can also cause consumer resistance to the product being advertised.

The message, which is being delivered by the outdoor media, could be limited because only a driver passing a billboard at a high speed can only take so much information.

Another issue is that it can only be seen by passers by, only people passing by will see the out-of-home media. This is usually reflected on where the advertisement is located, for example the advertisement could be located on the side of a major road where there is usually a lot of congestion so that passers by can have the opportunity to view the advertisement.

Danny Mackie.

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